Where we are at now:
1. South Sudan and Ethiopia
Father's House International base of operations in Africa is near the border of South Sudan in Gambela, Ethiopia. From this point we reach out to the neighboring refugee camps which are home to over 350,000 South Sudan refugees.
It was from this base in Gambela that the pilot program called "Remote Care" was launched. Because of the success of Remote Care, Father's House does not need to continue to expand a orphanage building. Remote Care works to network with local healthy families who take in a orphaned child.
Father's House still owns land in the country of South Sudan. Perhaps one day when the country is more established and returns to peace we will continue our work in Upper Nile State.
“Father's House International's base of operations in Africa is near the border of South Sudan in Gambela, Ethiopia.”
2. Tehuantepeche Oaxaca, Mexico
"More that half of the 40 million children and teenagers in Mexico are under poverty and some 4.7 million of them are under extreme poverty conditions, according to Unicef" The Yucaten Times, May 22, 2017
Some members of Father's House were invited to come to Tehuantepeche in 2017 to investigate an opportunity to develop a compound called, Priscilla's House that was completed a few years ago. There is a huge need in the area and at this time we are making regular trips to network, interview families and at risk children.
This project is the development stage so watch for updates.
“This project is the development stage so watch for updates.”