Father's House International 

Who Are Our Sponsors?


A Sponsor can change the life of a child with just $50.00 USD a month. 

Once a person signs up to become a sponsor for an at risk child they can be assured that 100% of their sponsorship money is going directly to benefit that child. All administrative and travel costs are paid for personally or by special projects. 

The $50.00 monthly is distributed from Father's House; $40.00 for care in the Host Home. $10.00 for education, health care, and clothing.

Once each year the sponsor will receive updated information about their child. The sponsor will also have the opportunity to travel to visit the child for themselves. Father's House arranges all air travel, lodging, and ground transportation. 

Our sponsors are individuals, families, and organizations. 

Gach Top Binyuong (pictured) lost his parents when he was three years old. Before coming to Father's House he lived in the refugee camp called Phinudo with an extended family member. He did not attend school. Instead he helped gather wood each day for the fire needed to cook the little food that was provided to them by the UN. 

Patty and her family (picture in picture) began sponsoring Gach shortly after he came into the program. 

Today Gach is excelling in school and loves studying science and english. 



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Gach Top Binyuong  holding a picture of his sponsor family.